Information system for collection and control of parking by sms and cards

Directorate for the construction and development of the city of Bijeljina
Bosnia and Herzegovina, Republika Srpska
Technical sector, Economic and legal sector and Building land, property and legal affairs and transport (within which the Directorate is entrusted with the management of public parks)
Information system for collection and control of parking by sms and cards






ERP - Comprehensive solution for managing all business processes and resources within a company



Traffic overload and insufficient number of parking spaces are the problem of all major cities. The available parking space does not meet the needs of the users who need to park in the city center. The discrepancy between the required and available number of parking spaces, with inadequate controls, also leads to the fact that parked vehicles endanger pedestrian traffic, as well as the speed of vehicle traffic in overburdened streets. The solution that leads to an increase in the number of free parking spaces is the introduction of a charge and limitation of parking time. When defining tariff policy it is necessary to divide the city core into zones in relation to traffic frequency and the need for parking places. The zone is a set of parking spaces for which a single tariff policy is prescribed. The direct benefits of introducing the information system for parking regulation are: Drivers - There is no need for kiosks and small money to buy tickets, and there is no need to return to the vehicle. The information system sends a notice of parking expiration, and it is possible to extend the parking without disturbance. Municipality - provides more parking spaces for citizens, more regular sidewalks, regular income from parking fee, employment. Parking service - Separate the collection function from the control, the billing rate is increased, a clear and clean relationship with drivers has been established. Mobile operator - increased revenues through Micro Payment service, as well as SMS and GPRS.


The project started in March 2007. The project was completed and the system was put into operation in October 2007. Initially, a studious recording of the state of business processes in the city's city was done, and a project specification was written, which further adjusted and implemented the existing solutions. The ASW team's experience gained from the implementation of the asw: temporis solutions in the cities in Serbia: Kikinda, Zajecar, ... By introducing the information system in Bijeljina, the end users of the parking space in Bijeljina are enabled to pay a parking service by sending an SMS to the appropriate short numbers of telco operators. Also, it is possible for controllers via portable devices, which are assigned as surveillance at certain parking locations in the city, to monitor and control billing, as well as to issue supplementary tickets. The entire operation of the parking service after the introduction of the information system can be fully monitored and controlled. For the needs of the project implementation, the following products were implemented asw: -a: asw: dominus asw: temporis Solutions are highly integrated in the domain tracking and payment tracking domain. All these years, ASW has been continuously working to improve its products.

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