ASW Management

ASW Engineering currently has more than 70 employees, most of whom are highly educated software specialists with many years of experience in the IT development.

The company organization is based on teams, whereas each team is led by the most experienced professionals, specialized for a particular area or product development.

Nenad Avlijaš

Founder (in memoriam 11.01.2021.)

Nenad Avlijas was the head of ASW Engineering since the company's establishment in 1990, and thanks to his rich previous experience in the IT field and in the management process, the company quickly developed into one of the leading IT companies in Serbia and the region. Prior to the founding of ASW Engineering, he was engaged as director of the development sector for IRIS - Energoinvest, from 1984 to 1990. As a member of the development team, in the period from 1981 to 1984, he participated in the realization of the information system for the XIV Winter Olympics in Sarajevo. He coordinated all sectors of the company and was involved in the realization of large and complex projects.

Nemanja Avlijaš

General Manager

He graduated in 2011 in the University of Belgrade, Faculty of Organizational Science, Information systems and technology and received the title Master engineer of organizational science, IT management in 2012. He joined ASW Inženjering in 2006 and was engaged as Project manager and as BD Team leader. Nemanja gained international experience in HTC Corporation i Samsung Electronics Austria GmbH. As of January 2021. Nemanja Avlijaš is General Manager of ASW Inženjering.

Darko Sekulić

Director of the SSW/HW sector

After completing his studies in 1997, he was engaged in the Institute Mihailo Pupin as an engineer for local computer networks, in order to join the ASW Engineering team in 1998. So far, he has been a member of several teams and a major system engineer in the execution of projects of great complexity, and his duties covered the areas of installation and adjustment of operating systems and databases, as well as the realization of complex communication circuits. Today he is the head of the team that provides technical support to the network with more than 500 server installations.

Jela Spasić

Team Manager for Product Development asw:dominus

She graduated in 2010 at the Faculty of Mathematics, University of Belgrade, Department of Computer Science and Informatics, and she received the title of Master at the same faculty and course in 2012. ASW Engineering joined in 2011 and for the next four years she was engaged in the development and implementation of software solutions for calculating and collecting telecommunication (asw: credis) and utility services (asw: utilitas), and solutions for recording and tracking animal movement (aimcs). In addition, it has been involved in providing support to users who use existing application solutions for parking fees via SMS (asw: temporis) and vehicle inspection solutions (asw: examinus). Since 2015, she has been independently leading a team, assuming the position of Development Sector Director in 2018. I stepped down from that role in 2023, taking on the position of Development Team Leader once again.

Bojan Ivković

Director of Project Implementation, Software Product Deployment and Customer Support

He graduated in 2008 from the Faculty of Organizational Sciences, Department of  Information Systems and Technologies. He obtained the title of master at the same faculty three years later, also in the field of Information Technology. Since 2008, he has been a member of the ASW Engineering team, primarily engaged as an implementation engineer and system architect on complex projects. Among the notable integrated information system implementation projects he led are those for companies such as Štampa Sistem, Gomex, Voli, Centrosinergija, Sanolabor, Mona, and DrMax. Since 2015, he has been leading the project implementation team. Currently, he is employed as the Director of the Project Implementation, Software Product Implementation and Customer Support Department.

Aleksandar Marinković

Project oriented software solutions Team manager for asw:credis, asw:utilitas, asw:temporis, asw:examinus, aimcs etc.

He graduated from the Faculty of Mathematics in Belgrade in 2010. He became member of ASW in 2011. He was engaged in the development and implementation of the following software solutions: asw:officius (CRM system), asw:credis (billing for telecommunications services), asw:utilitas (billing for utilities companies), asw:temporis (billing for parking via SMS), asw:examinus (technical inspection of vehicles) and solutions for recording and monitoring animal movements (aimcs). Aleksandar is team manager since June 2020.

Danijel Subotić

asw:maximus,  asw:auxilium and asw:sapiens Team manager

He graduated from the Faculty of Mathematics at the University of Belgrade in 2016, majoring in Statistics, Actuarial, and Financial Mathematics. He obtained his master's degree from the same faculty in 2017. After completing his studies, he was engaged in teaching at the Faculty of Mathematics, Department of Probability and Statistics, first as a teaching associate and later as an assistant. He joined ASW Engineering in June 2017 in the newly established Machine Learning Laboratory as a machine learning engineer. He was involved in the development and implementation of software products such as a machine learning platform (asw:maximus), procurement assistant (asw:numerus), as well as solutions such as route planning optimization (RPO) and contactless calculation of optometric measures (Calculens). As of June 2024, he takes on the role of AI development team leader.