Organizational Structure

In order to achieve flexibility and a more successful project completion, the organizational structure of ASW Engineering is of the balance matrix type. It allows us to form temporary teams working on specific projects, in addition to permanent teams.

Members of permanent teams form temporary teams. Until project finalization, permanent teams are classified into four basic groups with the following primary activities:

  • Projects and User Support
  • Software Product Development
  • Business Development
  • SSW/HW
  • Company Services

Software Product Development

The second group focused on software product development gathers teams working on basic products from the ASW Engineering portfolio.

Director of this sector is Vladimir Lalović.

  • DEV BCCS is the team which gathers experts working on development of asw:credis software (collection and consumer care system). Besides that, the team is specialized for handling custom orders and different projects. Aleksandar Marinković is the Team Leader.
  • DEV ERP is the team developing asw:dominus (ERP system) and asw:opus (Human resources and payroll) sofwares. Jela Spasić is the Team Leader.
  • DEV MLP team  are responsible for development of asw:mercantis (retail software) product.
  • DEV AI team is in charge of development of asw:sapiens, asw:maximus and asw: auxilium  software. This team is lead by Danijel Subotić.
  • TEST DOC is the team in charge of testing and documenting ASW products. Vladimir Lalović is the Team Leader.

Projects and user support

The group is comprised of teams primarily oriented towards providing services. They are in charge of services such as implementation, project realization, consulting, internal investments and technical support for customers.

Director of this sector is Bojan Ivković.

  • Projects is team in charge of designing, consulting services and implementation of ASW products and solutions. Bojan Ivković is the Team Leader.
  • HD (Help Desk) is the Customer Support Team for ASW products and solutions.

Business Development

Business Development is the sector for business growth, and the primary function of this team is the sales and marketing of ASW’s products and solutions.

Director of this sector is Slobodan Arsić.


SSW is the team in charge of system software, hardware and communications.

Director of this sector is Darko Sekulić .

Mutual Services

Group of mutual services includes several teams.

  • QMS team in charge of implementation and maintenance of different quality management system standards.
  • FINIR is a team working in the field of finance and accounting.
  • HR team focused on the development and improvement of the existing employee competencies.
  • General and Legal Operations  team’s primary duty is successful organization maintenance.

Organisational structure