Monitoring of packaging and distribution of bottled water

Sliv d.o.o.
Packaging and distribution of bottled water
Monitoring of packaging and distribution of bottled water






ERP - Comprehensive solution for managing all business processes and resources within a company



Company Sliv d.o.o. is one of the leading companies in the packaging and distribution of natural oligomineral water. In the southeast of Serbia, with 1,500 meters above sea level, without major roads, industry and other polluters in the area, Vlasina water is filled with modern equipment in PET bottles and distributed to consumers. The main task of the project was the introduction of an integral information system in order to centralize all functions and more efficiently manage and control all resources. The implementation of the project included the implementation of the following systems: asw: dominus - ERP system for centralized business monitoring asw: pda - module to support commercialists for field work


The implementation of an integral information system encompassed the phase implementation of the subsystem in accordance with the priorities defined by the user. First, the information system supports production, distribution and sales functions, and afterwards other subsystems (subsystem for monitoring human resources and subsystem for monitoring fixed assets) are introduced. The introduction of the solution enabled Sliv to obtain customer orders from the field immediately after their creation, which significantly reduced the process of processing orders for customers and the distribution of goods. Control of other business processes through the ERP system enables the company to plan further business development and market expansion through optimization of production and all resources.

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