Integrated information system of public utility company

Waterworks and sewerage d.o.o. Cetinje
Cetinje, Montenegro
Technical Sector, Design and Development Sector, Financial Legal Department, Service (Sector) for monitoring technical losses on the network
Integrated information system of public utility company


Postgre SQL



Software solution that provides fully IT support for utility companies

Software solution that provides fully IT support for utility companies



Business Intelligence

Business Intelligence solution to support the decision-making process



Document Management System

A document management system that supports electronic, paperless operations




ERP - Comprehensive solution for managing all business processes and resources within a company



The activity of Vodovod i kanalizacija Cetinje is: Production and distribution of water Maintenance of the water supply system (network) of the city and rural areas Drainage and purification of wastewater from the sewage system as well as removal from special systems (septic tank) Quality control of water and wastewater Planning and development of enterprises by adopting medium-term plans and work programs on an annual basis Customer Care The company operates in the capital of Montenegro and distributes water for around 5,000 households and industries. The introduction of IIS had the following objectives: Centralize data and achieve a high degree of data integrity Increase the level of transparency towards the customers Improve coordination and collaboration in the execution of business processes Facilitating the work of end users and company management through maximum IT support for business processes Preventing errors and abuse with complete control of key processes - Measuring consumption, accounting and billing Increased customer satisfaction Positive financial effects


The project started in July 2014. In the first phase of the project, special attention was paid to the analysis of all business processes and documents used in the company. After the series of interviews and the adoption of the project specification, it started with the implementation of existing software solutions. The ASW team's experience gained from the implementation of the IIS in the Water and Sewerage Company Podgorica gave a great contribution to the efficient implementation. For the needs of the project implementation, the following products were implemented asw: -a: asw: dominus asw: utilitas asw: libris asw: sapiens A very important activity that followed before commissioning is the migration of existing data into the new information system. An archive platform was created and these data are permanently frozen concluding with the day when the new system is put into operation. A special challenge was the training of users to work on complex and interdependent activities. The introduction of the new IS caused certain changes in the organization of the company, and these changes were supported by the impementation of asw: libris (DMS) products. The implementation phase is through the studious preparation and unselfish cooperation and commitment of the ASW team completed by putting the system into operation and before the deadlines defined. The first invoices were generated and issued in November 2014. A special advantage of this project is the fact that the selected team of ViK Cetinje experts has completely taken control of the support of the first level and is constantly working to improve the organization and the level of use of the system. Based on the suggestions received from the processor and end-user processors, ASW is constantly working to improve its products.

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